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Friday Randoms

Happy Friday Everyone!!

We are all dressed up here at my office, nothing like a finance building full of witches, bridezilla’s, nurses and superheroes 😉 There is nothing like one day a year to be however goofy, silly ot spooky you want to be!! I love it!!!

I’m extremely excited for this weekend, Adam is coming today and we have a full schedule on our hands! Tonight will be dinner out, tomorrow we’re off to grandma and grandpa’s for a visit, then some shopping, another dinner out, carving pumpkins (the photo above was last years’) and then Sunday we have the cutest little trick or treater coming over in the morning, brunch with my family and a full night of handing out candy!! (I just hope I didn’t eat too much and still have enough for all the kids!!) I’m kidding!! ….. kind of 😉

The front porch is decorated (finally!), the cauldron is bubbling and the spiders are waiting..I’m curious to see how many trick or treaters I will have as this will be my first Halloween in this home..I’m guessing 40-50..we’ll see how well I estimated on Monday!!!

But until then, have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!

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