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Well Hello there March!!

I woke up with a spring in my step today knowing we are officially one month closer to Spring! Crop planning is in full throttle at our farm and while the boys dissect numbers, acres and seeds..I am daydreaming of fields of beautiful golden wheat swaying outside my deck…I LOVE this coming season!! And because we are sloowly moving in to Spring up here, I thought it would be a perfect day to keep track of my list of currents! And here we go:

Adam & I at a luau in Hawaii
listening: to the dishwasher washing away behind me, a modern miracle in my books!:)

reading: anything I can find on raising chickens…only 1 more month! Eeek!

watching: The Mentalist….Adam is getting me in to it!

eating: Reese’s Easter Eggs..I can’t stop! Its an obsession that happens to me every year at this time!

drinking: water…I need more H20 in my life:)

wearing: my farm uniform: lulu’s and a t-shirt

feeling: nervous excitement!!

weather: a cool breeze is here today but other than that its sunny!!

playing: with stamps and paper when I should be cleaning them up!

wanting: Jake & Simon to get along

needing: my Jakey:(

missing: my late grandparents

waiting: for Spring!

enjoying: being a wife…love, love, LOVE it!

thankful: for everything..simply said

Thats my currents on this beautiful first day of March, what are you up to in your corner of the world?!? Have a great Thursday everyone!!


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